01993 869 244 | Oxfordshirehomeopath@icloud.com

About Me
Carmen Adamou BA (Hons), LSHC, RSHom
I have been passionate about homeopathy since the birth of my children over 18 years ago, I wanted to use natural remedies during my pregnancies. Due to my positive first hand experience of homeopathy, I decided to become a homeopathic practitioner, qualifying in 2007. My training took over 4 years of academic study at Salisbury Homeopathy College and Purton House School of Homeopathy, where I attained my licentiate to practice homeopathy (LSHC).
I am registered with the Society of Homeopaths and am bound by their code of ethics and conduct. Since 2013 I have been lecturing at Salisbury Homeopathy College and became a tutor and supervisor in 2014. l am currently lecturing at South Downs School of Homeopathy. I also offer one to one supervision to students undergoing homeopathic training.
I am strongly committed to Continuing Professional Development and regularly attend courses to further my knowledge of homeopathic medicine and prescribing.
I am currently undertaking the IACH e-learning post-graduate diploma with Professor George Vithoulkas.

Benefits of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a gentle natural holistic approach to improving your health and well-being.
Addressing the cause and not just the symptoms. Be-spoke consultations for your individual needs.

Remedies are natural, non toxic and can be safely taken during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding.
Not tested on animals.
Safe for children and the elderly and can be taken alongside medication.
“….. as Dr Bagot points out, homeopathic treatments are non-toxic, do not interact with other medications & crucially are with everyone’s budget.” Gilles Freyer, Professor of Oncology, University Teaching Hospital, Lyon, France.
As a homeopath I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe for any particular symptom, disease or condition. Instead, I work on increasing the general vitality and constitutional strength of those who seek my advice. I am a professional homeopath and not a medical doctor, and therefore those who work with me must retain the services of a primary care physician for appropriate evaluations and check-ups for themselves and/or their children.
Clinics & Appointments
For appointments in Oxford, I work at Summertown Clinic, please contact reception on 01865 558 561 or click here to book
For Witney area, I see patients at the Beanbag Natural Health Clinic, 2 Wesley Walk, Witney and in New Yatt, Witney, please call 01993 869 244, to make an appointment.
Home Visits
Home and hospital visits can be arranged, if necessary.
Consultations via Zoom/Skype can also be arranged.
Call on 01993 869 244